

La nostra applicazione mobile

Misophonia is a severe and particular form of decreased sound tolerance, and discomfort in the ears or earache, associated with sound exposure. The term “Misophonia” appeared in 2001 for the first time, in a scientific paper by the neuroscientists Margaret M. Jastreboff and Pawel J. Jastreboff. In this paper they distinguished Misophonia from Phonophobia, a well-known sound disorder with psychological origin. Differently from Phonophobia, Misophonia appears to be a disorder at neurological level. At the moment, researches and studies on Misophonia have reached not final but important goals. In 2017, an experimental study carried out by the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University and led by Sukhbinder Kumar (who is a staff member of the present project), revealed a physical difference in the frontal lobe between the cerebral hemispheres of people with Misophonia, with higher myelination in the grey matter of ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Misophonia causes children, adults and the elderly who are affected by it, to behave in a way to prevent from entering louder environments, and from working and interacting socially.


The Misophonia@School project will carry out study and implementation activities addressed to produce the following four Intellectual Outputs:

All Misophonia@School products will be progressively available on this website in 9 languages: English, Italian, Spanish, Poland, Turkish, German, Slovenian, Greek and Icelandic.

L’applicazione Mobile Misophonia@School, da utilizzare nelle aule, rende gli insegnanti in grado di applicare e realizzare un innovativo protocollo di screening per individuare gli studenti con Misophonia. L’idea principale è quella di fornire agli insegnanti una serie di suoni o situazioni “trigger” (suoni e situazioni che di solito causano sofferenza ai soggetti misofonici) che possono essere presentati agli studenti al fine di osservare / analizzare il loro comportamento. Gli eventi scatenanti sono ben noti: suono del masticare, respirare pesantemente, sbattere / picchiettare sulle scrivanie, guardare gambe o braccia tremanti, essere toccati ripetutamente e altri. Lo strumento di screening è stato prodotto come applicazione mobile Android e iOS (Apple iPhone), in modo da essere utilizzabile e facilmente condivisibile tra insegnanti / studenti. Esso è disponibile gratuitamente sui rispettivi store (Play Store e iTunes):

Misophonia@School – App su Google Play

Misophonia@School – App su App Store