


Misophonia@School – Including Students with Misophonia Disease in European Schools is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership (Key Action 201) developed thanks to the co-funding by the European Commission – Erasmus+ Programme (Italian Agency).

The “Misophonia@School” project aims to act at educational level with two different purposes that appear to be the most relevant now:
— the first, on the very specific school level, by creating a teacher training on-line course and an innovative screening protocol – based on the most recent scientific results and built as a mobile application – with which primary, middle and high school teachers will be able to individuate pupils with Misophonia and to manage their very condition;
— the second, on an ampler students’ life level, by diffusing among students’ families (and other kinds of educators, sport trainers, etc.) open and scientifically-based knowledge about Misophonia-related issues that can affect various emotional, educational, and development processes, through the setting up and running of a European Web Resource Centre on Misophonia and the production of a methodological and scientific handbook.

To achieve these goals, an ​8-country Partnership was created, bringing together highly experienced organisations and professionals from Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Cyprus, Iceland, Spain, Poland and Turkey.

The Misophonia@School project started on September 1, 2020, and ended on August 31, 2023.


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The Misophonia@School project will carry out study and implementation activities addressed to produce the following four Intellectual Outputs:

All Misophonia@School products will be progressively available on this website in 9 languages: English, Italian, Spanish, Poland, Turkish, German, Slovenian, Greek and Icelandic.


Misophonia@School is a project by: