In people with misophonia, there is abnormal communication between the auditory and motor regions of the brain

The results of the investigations conducted up to 2017, the year of the publication of my article “The Brain Basis for Misophonia”, show that in people with misophonia there is abnormal communication between the auditory and motor regions of the brain. It is indeed a hyper-sensitized link. The most interesting thing we observed, through functional MRI investigations of the brain, is that, in people with misophonia, the communication between the auditory cortex and the motor control areas of the face, mouth and throat is increased. We found a similar pattern of communication between visual and motor regions as well, and this would explain why misophonia can occur even if it is triggered by a visual “trigger”. This is why misophonic people, very often, are also misokinesic (that is, they manifest hatred towards some repetitive movements). These are the bases on which, with the major international scholars and in Italy with the Italian Misophonia Association, we will work in the coming years on the research and treatment front. Prof. Sukhbinder Kumar